Despre familie si emotii
Iar pentru ca fiecare fotografie spune o poveste, te rog sa gasesti atasate cateva dintre ale noastre din acea zi.
About family and emotions
Also, because every picture tells a story, please find attached some of ours from that day.
Alaptarea in Sectia de Terapie Intensiva Neonatala
Nu pot sublinia suficient importanta laptelui matern pentru un bebelus, mai ales pentru unul prematur.
Breastfeeding in NICU
I can not stress enough the importance of mother's milk for a baby, moreover, for a premature infant.
Invata de la cei mai mici
"Sanatatea este reala avutie nu bucatile de aur si argint."
Learn from the tiniest
``It is health that is the real wealth and not
Dulce, dulce imbratisare
Prima noastra imbratisare cu Victoria si Aurora  este de neuitat.
Sweet, sweet cuddle
Our first cuddle with Victoria and Aurora is unforgettable. Aurora
Depasindu-mi limitele
Era luni, 18 septembrie 2017 cand s-au nascut, la UCLH. La ora 12:47, Victoria venise pe lume. Doua minute mai tarziu, Aurora, care a si plans. Nu le-am avut la pieptul meu, cum se intampla cu alti bebelusi...
Surpassing my limits
It was Monday, 18th September 2017 when they were born via C- section, at UCLH. At 12:47, baby Victoria came out.2 minutes later, baby Aurora, who even cried. I did not have them at my chest, as it happens with other babies...